Source Code and Compiled Executable
This was a project I did twice, once for my Graphics Programming class, where I had a more basic implementation of it (and the code was extremely rushed), and again as my mid program project (which I added functionality and refactored it all into more modular code).
Tank Gauntlet is a tank shooter; you’re given control of a tank, with its cannons and machine guns, and you have to kill another tank (or be killed by it). The HUD consists of icons to represent your ammo count, and a color changing icon to show your health (the closer to red, the less health remaining). There are repair pickups (a wrench), and ammo pick ups in the corners of the level.
For this one, I coded everything, and made nearly every visual asset (all of the meshes and textures except the skybox texture). It implements a fairly long list of features:
- Templated Finite State Machines
- Particle Physics
- Steering Vectors
- A Modular FMOD Audio Wrapper
- A Modular DirectInput Wrapper
- A Modular Direct3D Wrapper
- Messaging between Objects
- An Asset Manager (for loading/unloading files).
- An Actor Manager (for managing all objects on screen)
- A custom Camera object.
- Singleton Design Pattern
- Factory Design Pattern
- Inheiritance (nearly everything on screen inherits from Actor)
It’s one of the projects I enjoyed playing with most, and am still considering redoing it, now that I have an expanded knowledge of several of these things (like AI and Physics).
Some video footage of the game:
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